Dylan (1973)

Spanish Is The Loving Tongue

Bob Dylan

Spanish Is The Loving Tongue da Dylan, Bob Dylan
Spanish Is The Loving Tongue
Broke my heart, lost my soul
Adios, mi corazon
Spanish is the loving tongue
Soft as music, light as spring
It was a girl I learned it from
Living down Sonora way
Well, I don't look much like a lover
Still I say her love words over
Mostly when I'm all alone
Mi amor, mi Cora sole

[Verse 2]
Haven't seen her since that night
I can't cross the line you know
They want me for a gambling fight
Like as not it's better so
Still I always kind of missed her
Since that last sad night I kissed her
Broke her heart, lost my own
Adios, mi Corazon
Broke her heart, lost my own
Adios, mi Corazon
Adios, mi Corazon
Adios, mi Corazon
Lo Spagnolo è la Lingua dell’Amore
Cuore infranto, anima perduta
Adios, mi corazon
Lo spangolo è la lingua dell'amore
Dolce come la musica, leggero come la primavera
L'ho imparato da una ragazza
che viveva dalle parti di Sonora
Beh, non sembrerò tanto come amante
Eppure ripeto le sue parole d'amore
in genere quando sono solo
Mi amor, mi Cora sole

Non l'ho più vista da quella notte
non posso attraversare il confine sai
sono ricercato per rissa al casino
meglio così
eppure mi è sempre mancata
da quella triste notte in cui l'ho baciata
infranto il suo cuore e perso il mio
Adios, mi Corazon
infranto il suo cuore e perso il mio
Adios, mi Corazon
Adios, mi Corazon
Adios, mi Corazon
A border Affair
Spanish is the lovin' tongue
Soft as springtime, light as spray
There was a girl I learned it from
Living down Sonora way
Now I don't look much like a lover
Yet I say her love words over
Late at night when I'm all alone
"Mi amor, mi corazon"

There were nights when I would ride
She would listen for my spurs
Fling that big door open wide
Raise those laughing eyes of hers
And how those hours would get to flyin'
Pretty soon, I'd hear her cryin'
"Please don't leave me all alone
Mi amor, mi corazon"

Then one night I had to fly
I got into a foolish gamblin' fight
I had a swift goodbye
In that black unlucky night
And traveling north, her words kept ringing
And every word I could hear her singing
"Please don't leave me all alone
Mi amor, mi corazon"

Well, I ain't never seen her since that night
I can't cross the line now
She was Mexican, and I was White
Like as not, it's better so
And yet I've always sort of missed her
Since that last wild night I kissed her
I left her heart, but I lost my own
"Mi amor, mi corazon"
Spanish Is The Loving Tongue
note e significato

Spanish is the Loving Tongue è una canzone ispirata alla poesia A Border Affair ("Una storia di confine", 1907) di Charles Badger Clark, messa in musica nel 1925 da Billy Simon.

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