Dylan (1973)
The Lily of the West
Bob Dylan
The Lily of the West
When first I came to Louisville,
some pleasure there to find
A damsel there from Lexington
was pleasing to my mind
Her rosy cheeks, her ruby lips,
like arrows pierced my breast
And the name she bore was Flora,
the Lily of the West.
I courted lovely Flora
some pleasure for to find
But she turned unto another man
whose sore distressed my mind
She robbed me of my liberty,
deprived me of my rest
Then go, my lovely Flora,
the Lily of the West.
Away down in yonder shady grove,
a man of high degree
Conversin' with my Flora there,
it seemed so strange to me
And the answer that she gave to him
it sore did me oppress
I was betrayed by Flora,
the Lily of the West.
I stepped up my rival,
dagger in my hand
I seized him by the collar,
and bodly made him stand
Seing mad by desperation
I pierced him to the breast
All this for lovely Flora,
the Lily of the West.
I had to stand my trial,
I had to make my plea
They placed me in the witness box
and then commenced on me
Although she swore my life away,
deprived me of my rest
Still I love my faithless Flora,
the Lily of the West.
some pleasure there to find
A damsel there from Lexington
was pleasing to my mind
Her rosy cheeks, her ruby lips,
like arrows pierced my breast
And the name she bore was Flora,
the Lily of the West.
I courted lovely Flora
some pleasure for to find
But she turned unto another man
whose sore distressed my mind
She robbed me of my liberty,
deprived me of my rest
Then go, my lovely Flora,
the Lily of the West.
Away down in yonder shady grove,
a man of high degree
Conversin' with my Flora there,
it seemed so strange to me
And the answer that she gave to him
it sore did me oppress
I was betrayed by Flora,
the Lily of the West.
I stepped up my rival,
dagger in my hand
I seized him by the collar,
and bodly made him stand
Seing mad by desperation
I pierced him to the breast
All this for lovely Flora,
the Lily of the West.
I had to stand my trial,
I had to make my plea
They placed me in the witness box
and then commenced on me
Although she swore my life away,
deprived me of my rest
Still I love my faithless Flora,
the Lily of the West.
Lilia dell’Ovest
La prima volta che arrivai a Louisville,
in cerca di piacere
una fanciulla di Lexington
mi apparve subito attraente
le sue guance rosate, le sue labbra di rubino,
mi hanno trafitto il petto come frecce
e il suo nome era Flora,
la Lilia dell'Ovest.
Feci la corte alla bella Flora
per trovar piacere
ma lei se ne andò con un altro uomo
e quella ferita non diede pace alla mia mente
mi derubò della mia libertà,
privandomi della mia pace
e allora vai, mia cara Flora,
la Lilia dell'Ovest.
Dall'altra parte del frutteto,
un uomo istruito
parlava con Flora,
tutto mi sembrava strano
e la risposta che gli diede
mi opprimeva
fui tradito da Flora,
la Lilia dell'Ovest.
Affrontai il mio rivale,
con il pugnale nella mano
lo presi per il colletto,
costringendolo ad alzarsi
reso folle dalla disperazione
lo colpii al petto
e tutto questo per la dolce Flora,
la Lilia dell'Ovest.
Ho dovuto subire il processo,
e chiedere grazia
mi hanno messo sul banco dei testimoni
e poi mi hanno interrogato
e sebbene lei mi portò via la vita,
e mi privò della mia pace
amo ancora indissolubilmente Flora,
la Lilia dell'Ovest.
in cerca di piacere
una fanciulla di Lexington
mi apparve subito attraente
le sue guance rosate, le sue labbra di rubino,
mi hanno trafitto il petto come frecce
e il suo nome era Flora,
la Lilia dell'Ovest.
Feci la corte alla bella Flora
per trovar piacere
ma lei se ne andò con un altro uomo
e quella ferita non diede pace alla mia mente
mi derubò della mia libertà,
privandomi della mia pace
e allora vai, mia cara Flora,
la Lilia dell'Ovest.
Dall'altra parte del frutteto,
un uomo istruito
parlava con Flora,
tutto mi sembrava strano
e la risposta che gli diede
mi opprimeva
fui tradito da Flora,
la Lilia dell'Ovest.
Affrontai il mio rivale,
con il pugnale nella mano
lo presi per il colletto,
costringendolo ad alzarsi
reso folle dalla disperazione
lo colpii al petto
e tutto questo per la dolce Flora,
la Lilia dell'Ovest.
Ho dovuto subire il processo,
e chiedere grazia
mi hanno messo sul banco dei testimoni
e poi mi hanno interrogato
e sebbene lei mi portò via la vita,
e mi privò della mia pace
amo ancora indissolubilmente Flora,
la Lilia dell'Ovest.
The Lily of the West
note e significato
note e significato
The Lily of the West è una canzone tradizionale irlandese, il cui testo subì diverse variazioni durante l'emigrazione dall'Isola Verde agli Stati Uniti. Nella versione originale, Lily testimonia a favore dell'uomo ma senza voler continuare la loro relazione.
The Lily of the West
tablatura e accordi
tablatura e accordi
Am C G F Am
When first I came to Louisville, some pleasure there to find,
C G F Am
A damsel there from Lexington was pleasing to my mind.
F G Am /g Am
Her rosy cheeks, her ruby lips, like arrows pierced my breast
C G F Am
The name she bore was Flora, the Lily of the West.
C G F Am
(And the name she bore was Flora, the Lily of the West.)
I courted lovely Flora, some pleasure for to find,
But she turned unto another man, which sore distressed my mind.
She robbed me of my liberty, deprived me off my rest --
Then go, my lovely Flora, the Lily of the West.
(Then go, my lovely Flora, the Lily of the West)
'Way down in yonder shady grove, a man of high degree
Conversing with my Flora there, which seemed so strange to me.
And the answer that she gave to him, it sore did me opress
I was betrayed by Flora, the Lily of the West.
(I was betrayed by Flora, the Lily of the West)
I stepped up to my rival, dagger in my hand.
I seized him by the collar, and boldly made him stand.
Being mad by desperation, I pierced him through the breast
All this for lovely Flora, the Lily of the West.
(All this for lovely Flora, the Lily of the West)
I had to stand my trial, I had to make my plea;
They placed me in the witness box, and then commenced on me.
Although she swore my life away, deprived me of my rest
Still I love my faithless Flora, the Lily of the West.
(Still I love my faithless Flora, the Lily of the West)
When first I came to Louisville, some pleasure there to find,
C G F Am
A damsel there from Lexington was pleasing to my mind.
F G Am /g Am
Her rosy cheeks, her ruby lips, like arrows pierced my breast
C G F Am
The name she bore was Flora, the Lily of the West.
C G F Am
(And the name she bore was Flora, the Lily of the West.)
I courted lovely Flora, some pleasure for to find,
But she turned unto another man, which sore distressed my mind.
She robbed me of my liberty, deprived me off my rest --
Then go, my lovely Flora, the Lily of the West.
(Then go, my lovely Flora, the Lily of the West)
'Way down in yonder shady grove, a man of high degree
Conversing with my Flora there, which seemed so strange to me.
And the answer that she gave to him, it sore did me opress
I was betrayed by Flora, the Lily of the West.
(I was betrayed by Flora, the Lily of the West)
I stepped up to my rival, dagger in my hand.
I seized him by the collar, and boldly made him stand.
Being mad by desperation, I pierced him through the breast
All this for lovely Flora, the Lily of the West.
(All this for lovely Flora, the Lily of the West)
I had to stand my trial, I had to make my plea;
They placed me in the witness box, and then commenced on me.
Although she swore my life away, deprived me of my rest
Still I love my faithless Flora, the Lily of the West.
(Still I love my faithless Flora, the Lily of the West)